angry birds 2Back in the day, Angry Birds used to dominate the app charts, although these days it’s safe to say that the Angry Birds franchise isn’t quite what it used to be, and has since ceded its dominant position to the likes of Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Candy Crush, Pokemon GO, and so on.

However for fans of the franchise, if you still play the game from time to time, you might be interested to learn that the folks at Rovio have recently released a rather substantial update to the game, in which it will introduce two brand new chapters that will bring about a combined total of 40 new levels.

There will also be 6 boss pigs that players can “fight” against. These chapters are also called Hamazones and Copacabacon. As some of you might have heard, there was an Angry Birds movie that was released earlier this year. So far reviews of the movie are mixed, although for the most part they are also polarizing with people either finding it hilarious, or they just outright don’t like it.

In any case the update to Angry Birds 2 should be live for both iOS and Android, so head on over to the iTunes App Store or Google Play to get your hands on it.

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