Philips was one of the first major companies to get in the business of selling smart lighting systems and the Hue has performed well in the market that’s now flooded with smart lighting systems for all price ranges. Philips has never released a motion sensor for the Hue lights before even though it makes perfect sense to have one, and now it might finally be close to releasing a motion sensor for the Hue.

An FCC filing by the company has been spotted which hints at the possibility that the company could soon launch a motion sensor for Hue lights. This will eliminate the need for users to rely on a completely different system for motion sensing lights.

An online retailer in the United Kingdom already has the motion sensor available for pre-order. The retailer lists it for roughly $44 and mentions that the product is likely going to be released next month.

The retailer’s listing reveals that this motion sensor has a 100-degree field of view of five meters which should be good for home use.

Retailers in the United States are to start taking pre-orders for the motion sensor but if it’s due next month it shouldn’t take too long for that to happen.

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