There is certainly no shortage of video streaming services. Netflix is available in almost every country out there while popular services like Hulu and Amazon Video are available in a significant number of countries. However, there is one country that’s not served by any of these services, and that’s North Korea. Turns out, the DPRK has now released its very own video streaming service.
North Korea is the most isolated country in the world. The government maintains strict control on what information flows through its borders, both digital and physical, so it’s safe to say that many citizens of the country may not even know what Netflix or Hulu is.
NK News reports that the country’s Korea Central Television has launched a new service called Manbang which means “everywhere” or “every direction.” The service enables viewers to watch programs and documentaries and even take language lessons in Russian and English.
To access the service, viewers will require an Internet Protocol Television that is going to work via a separate box. The box is said to provide live access to many North Korean networks. Viewers may even be allowed to stream live channels to a TV if they have access to the extremely limited internet service in the country.