nexus_swipeSo far specs and renderings of both the HTC Marlin and Sailfish handsets have made their way online, but apart from the specs, what else is it about these phones that will make them special/unique beyond just being powerful? According to the folks at Android Police, these phones could be getting some shortcuts.

The website reports that according to what they have heard, both the Nexus handsets this year will come with a fingerprint swiping gesture that will at the same time pull down the notification shade on the phone. Basically this is meant to mimic swiping from the front of your phone, but in the event you can’t stretch your thumb that far, or if it is more convenient to swipe from the back, users will also have that alternative.

Now if you think that this feature sounds very familiar, it is because it has been done before. As pointed out by Android Police, handsets from Huawei have that feature built into it already, so this isn’t exactly a new feature, but at the same time it is interesting to see Google incorporate it into their Nexus phones.

Safe to say that this should be taken with a grain of salt for now, but we’ll keep our eyes peeled for when Google plans to make their official announcement.

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