When the UCEs were first launched, they proved to be so popular that they sold out within minutes. Square Enix decided it wasn’t fair to gamers and created a new batch, which once again sold out in a short space of time, but unfortunately if you were hoping for a third batch to be produced, you will be disappointed to learn that will not be happening.
According to the Official Final Fantasy XV Twitter account, they basically say no to any new UCE units. The tweet reads, “Will the Ultimate collectors edition contain the season pass? – sadly no & we looked into making more UCE but we were told we still can’t.” They did not dive into any specifics as to why they can’t, so for all we know it could be a production issue, or maybe they’d rather not dilute the current UCEs in the market today by creating more units.
In case you missed the earlier report, Squre Enix’s decision to delay the game was due to it needing extra polish. The company had initially toyed with the idea of creating a day one patch that would address the issues, but they felt that releasing a more polished game would be better.