There has been a bit of mixed reaction when it comes to Michael Bay’s Transformers movies. Sure, everyone loves the idea of bringing the famed robots to “life” in a live-action movie, but Bay’s take on the movie wasn’t exactly well-received by many. Now it seems that a short fan-made film might actually prove to be more entertaining.

Dubbed “Generation: 1”, this is a live-action fan-made Transformers short film. It was released back in June earlier this year, and one of the highlights of this particular video is the fact that the Transformers aren’t digitally created. Instead they feature actual actors who are cosplaying various characters from the Transformers franchise.

Now you might think that cosplaying would make for a rather cheesy movie, but somehow it just works. The story is engaging and while the costumes don’t exactly have the same level of detail as Bay’s Transformers movies, they do have that old school vibe that we got from the original Transformers animated movie back in 1986, which is getting a 4K remaster, by the way.

If you have some time to spare, do check it out in the video above. You can also check out the video below that provides the behind-the-scenes look at how they made the movie.

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