ps4 slimSo we know that Sony has the PS4 Neo in the works, and Microsoft has Project Scorpio. However Microsoft also has the Xbox One S, the slimmer version of the Xbox One, which is why it did not come as a surprise to learn about the rumors that Sony had a PS4 Slim in the works as well.

Now so far apart from the rumor, we haven’t really heard anything since, or at least until now where thanks to a post on NeoGAF (via The Verge), alleged photos of the console have surfaced where it is compared side-by-side against the regular PS4. Sure enough it shows how much slimmer the new console is compared to the old one.

However apart from the photos, the posts don’t really tell us what kind of specs or features that we can expect. Could it basically a copy of the current PS4 but in a slimmer body? Or could it be like what Microsoft did with the Xbox One S, which is keep the specs more or less the same but with some slight changes/upgrades?

In any case we guess we have no choice but to wait and see what Sony has in store for us. In the meantime the company has confirmed that they will be hosting an event on the 7th of September in which presumably the PS4 Neo will be unveiled, and maybe the alleged PS4 Slim could be announced as well (unless the photos are that of the PS4 Neo).

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