Until the Tesla Model 3 is released the company’s cars are going to be outside the range of most average consumers, with the Model S and Model X pushing the price point as high as $100,000 these cars can not be afforded by everyone. Tesla recently decided to bring back the 60-kilowatt-hour Model S to offer it at a cheaper price and now it’s giving the same treatment to the Model X. Tesla today introduced a cheaper Model X SUV with a 60-kilowatt-hour battery capacity.

The Model X can now be purchased with the same 60-kWh battery capacity as the Model S. The new Model X 60D has all of the features that you would expect from a Model X and it also has all-wheel drive as standard.

Given that it has a smaller battery the price gets a substantial cut, it’s now $9,000 cheaper than the previous Model X 75D base model. The new Model X base model costs $74,000 now.

A smaller battery directly translates to less range. Those who purchase this model are going to have to make do with about 230 miles of range on a single charge but the SUV does retain its 150 miles-per-hour top speed and 0-60 miles-per-hour time of 6 seconds.

Customers will have the option to pay to unlock an additional 15-kWh of battery capacity for $9,500 though it’s really meant as an option for those who buy this model and later realize they need the additional capacity, otherwise it’s best to just buy the 75D and save $500 in the long run.

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