regional pokemon go mapYou guys might recall that a little over a week ago, we reported that a gamer going by the handle ftb_hodor managed to catch all 142 Pokemon in the US. Now it looks like his efforts are being rewarded because a report from Business Insider has revealed that the gamer, who goes by the name Nick Johnson in real-life, will be given a free trip around the world to catch Pokemon.

Now Pokemon fans will know that 142 isn’t the complete list of Pokemon, at least not as far as the classic game is concerned. In reality there are 151 Pokemon, but as far as the US is concerned, Johnson has managed to capture all that he can, which is why he will be sponsored by Marriott Rewards and Expedia to fly around the world to catch region-exclusive Pokemon.

Johnson and his girlfriend will be flown to Paris first where he will attempt to locate and catch Mr. Mime. He will later be sent to Hong Kong where he will try to capture Farfetch’d, and then he will be flying to Sydney, Australia where he will catch Kangaskhan. His last stop will be in Japan for a little R&R. Johnson stated that he will rely on each country’s Pokemon community to help point him in the right direction.

Speaking to Business Insider, Johnson says, “I will be scouring Reddit on my flight over and have a battle plan by the time I get there. I will travel across the land, searching far and wide. Basically.”

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