Pokemon Go has quite literally taken the world by storm. Millions of people across the globe are being motivated to get up and go outside to catch elusive little monsters. The game is only available for iOS and Android, and it’s very likely that these are the two platforms it’s going to be available on for quite a while. A petition was floated recently to get Niantic to develop Pokemon Go for Windows Phone but it seems unlikely for that to happen, but a third-party developer is taking up the charge.

That petition has reached nearly 90,000 signatures and yet there has been no official response from Niantic about whether or not it’s going to release a Windows Phone version for Pokemon Go.

Third-party developer ST-Apps is said to be working on a Windows 10 Mobile port of Pokemon Go. The developer has also posted a proof of concept online which reveals what his port of the game is going to look like on Windows 10 Mobile.

It won’t have some of the augmented reality features of the game that you will find in the official versions of Pokemon Go for iOS and Android, but it will still enable Windows Phone users to go around catching Pokemon in the wild.

It’s unclear when the developer is going to release an open source version of this game. He’s concerned about Niantic’s servers being encrypted soon which would ultimately kill this project and he’s also concerned about legal issues that might arise should he release an unofficial port of Pokemon Go for Windows-powered handsets.

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