nintendo-wii-u-review-9The way most Nintendo games have been designed make them appeal to gamers who just want some quick entertainment. This is because their games for the most part let players jump right in and out, and that there’s no need to level their accounts/characters, collect loot, and so on. A good example would be Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, where anyone can just start playing.

Speaking during an earnings call today, Ubisoft’s CEO Yves Guillemot echoed those sentiments when he spoke of Nintendo’s upcoming NX console, in which he states that he likes what he’s seen and that he believes the console will be able to draw casual gamers back into the industry who might have been intimidated by other platforms and their games.

According to Guillemot, “On the NX, what we have seen is really great. We think having a new machine coming is going to help the industry to continue to grow and to take a lot more casual players back to the industry.” It is possible that maybe Guillemot was just hyping the console as Ubisoft might have some titles planned for it.

That being said, not much is known about the Nintendo NX right now. The console has been planned for a release in March 2017 and that details of the console will be shared this coming fall.

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