There are a ton of puzzle based games available out there, although for gamers of Nintendo’s DS/3DS handheld console, you guys might be very familiar with the Professor Layton franchise. The good news is that if you have enjoyed the franchise, you’ll be pleased to learn that we have a new game that will be joining it.

The developers at Level 5 have recently announced the latest addition to the Professor Layton franchise called “Lady Layton”. In case you’re unfamiliar with the character, Lady Layton is basically Professor Layton’s daughter whose full name is Cattley Eyl Layton, who obviously will be in the starring role in this game as Professor Layton himself will not be present.

Unfortunately apart from the announcement of the game, the actual details like its feature, its story, and etc. were not revealed. However the good news is that unlike the previous Layton game that was exclusive to smartphones, Lady Layton will be released for both smartphones (iOS and Android) as well as for the Nintendo 3DS.

It is also set for a release in Japan for the Spring of 2017, but there is no mention of when we might be able to expect a localized version for the West. In the meantime gamers can check out the video above to see the game’s trailer.

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