So like we said, the major specs of the phone have been revealed which includes a 5.7-inch QHD display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset/Exynos chipset, a 12MP rear-facing camera, a 5MP front-facing camera, and a 3,500mAh battery. Now according to these new sources, Samsung will taking advantage of the newly launched Gorilla Glass 5 for its display.
It is also said to be IP68 which means both water and dust resistance, something that Samsung had teased in an earlier video. We are also looking at a USB-C connection, and like we speculated earlier, it will come with both an iris and fingerprint scanner. The phone will also see the launch of a new service called Samsung Cloud, which sounds a lot like Apple’s version of iCloud, except it is for Samsung phones.
That being said, all of this should be confirmed next Tuesday, the 2nd of August, so remember to check back with us then for all of the official information.