IO Interactive recently ran an online “Choose Your Hit” campaign for Hitman players, fans were allowed to vote and choose between two Hollywood stars one of whom would be selected as the seventh Hitman Elusive Target. Votes were cast for Gary Cole and Gary Busey, in the end it was Gary Busey who got the most number of votes, and so he will now appear in Hitman as an Elusive Target for seven days.

The Elusive Target tile on the Featured Hub will be updated on July 21st at 05:00 PDT and the contract will be live. Busey will be in Sapienza for a full seven days so players will need to make sure that they are well prepared to make the hit because they won’t get any second chances.

Players need to pay close attention to briefing videos for Elusive Target Contracts. Hitman’s handler Diana will provide specific information that will help players identify their target, Elusive Targets don’t show up on the mini map.

Hitman players only get one chance at taking down the Elusive Target, if they miss the target goes away and never comes back. Players get unique rewards for completing these hits, those who successfully complete five Elusive Targets contracts unlock the Hitman Absolution Signature Suit with black leather gloves and ICA tie pin.

Filed in Gaming. Read more about and . Source: hitman