Created by Japanese designer Kouichi Okamoto, as the name suggests, this is both a bookmark and a nightlight. As you can see in the photo above, it shines a pretty bright light making it easy for you to read at night. When not in use, it also doubles up as a bookmark which also means that you can bring it with you wherever you go, and always have a spare nightlight handy, or maybe just a light in general.
How does this work? It is pretty straightforward as all users have to do is by placing a battery into a slot and folding the film material bookmark over it. Thanks to the use of silver and a nanoparticle ink as a conductor, it should light up when folded together. Unfortunately as far as bookmarks are concerned, the Bookmark Light isn’t exactly cheap.
It is priced at 2,128 JPY which is around $20 and can be purchased via Kyouei Design’s website.