It was being rumored that the next playable Overwatch character is going to be a long-range healer and that’s precisely what it is. Blizzard has introduced the next Overwatch character today. She’s a sniper support character called Ana who happens to be a long-range healer. Blizzard hasn’t confirmed as yet when this new character is going to be released for Overwatch.
Ana is Pharah’s mother and she has a Biotic rifle which can heal allies and also deal ongoing damage to her enemies. Ana is equipped with a sleep dart that’s great for taking care of enemies.
Other weapons in her arsenal include a Biotic grenade which works like her rifle – heals allies and provides damage to enemies – as well as an ability called Nano Boost that can increase allies’ attack, defense, and speed.
Sound like quite the character and I’m sure Overwatch players will be anxious to try out this new hero. However, they are going to have to wait, because Blizzard hasn’t even confirmed as yet when Ana is going to arrive for Overwatch.
Blizzard has posted some gameplay footage which you can see above. It has also released Ana’s origin story which you can check out by playing the video embedded below.