EA has confirmed when the promised Star Wars: Battlefront Bespin DLC is going to be released. Those who own a season pass for the game are going to get the new DLC on June 21st, those who don’t will have to wait for two weeks until July 5th when the DLC will become available for everybody else. The Bespin DLC introduces Lando Calrissian and Cloud City to Star Wars: Battlefront.
Players will join the legendary smuggler Lando Calrissian and the notorious bounty hunter Denger in the Cloud City of Bespin. They will take to the skies in the new cloud car vehicle and travel through Cloud City and the Administrator’s Palace.
This expansion also features two new blasters that players can add to their arsenal, enabling them to effectively hunt enemies within the Bioniip Laboratories or carbon-freezing chambers with the new X-8 Night Sniper and EE-4 blasters.
Lando and Dengar both have new traits that give them unique gameplay abilities. Lando’s greatest talent is to know the odds and use tricks against his enemies while Dengar is a villain who thrives on being in a fight.
EA is going to provide more details about the Bespin DLC in the coming days. Star Wars: Battlefront Bespin DLC is going to be released for season pass owners on June 21st.
Filed in Star Wars: Battlefront. Source: starwars.ea
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