
The new Justice League movie isn’t going to have a big title even though that’s a trend that appears to have caught on with studios who make superhero movies. Some might argue that movie monikers can do without these needless addendums and many are likely to agree with them. If you’re on that side of the border rest assured because Geoff Johns from DC Films has confirmed the final Justice League movie title.

Rumored titles for the upcoming Justice League movie included Justice League: Angels and Demons, Justice League: Gods Among Us, among others.

The addendum trend has well and truly caught on with superhero movies. Just look at the last few movies that were released. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, X-Men: Apocalypse, and Captain America: Civil War are just some of the most recent examples of this trend.

If you are not a fan of this trend then the new Justice League movie’s title isn’t going to trouble you at all. Geoff Johns has confirmed that the new Justice League movie will quite simply be called “Justice League.”

I’m sure many will appreciate this decision. The Justice League movie, directed by Zack Snyder, is going to be released on November 17th, 2017. A sequel is already planned for 2019.

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