The game was spotted on Merchoid’s website and according to the description, “Delve into the evolving city of Midgar in search of the latest business opportunities. Perhaps you’ll buy up a string of plots for housing development for the people, or go industrial and build a Mako reactor plant. Trade with fellow players to secure key location and facilities and watch as savvy buyers secure a big pay day. A roll of a dice and a shrewd business mind will pave your way to success… Just watch out in case Shin-ra bring your empire crashing down!”
Basically this is Monopoly but based around the Final Fantasy VII universe, so we guess if you want to experience the business side of things, this could be one way to go about it. The game is priced at $50 and according to Merchoid’s page, it is set for a release on the 14th of April, 2017. Of course this date could be subject to change but if you love all things Final Fantasy related, this could be one more thing you can add to your collections list.