no-more-content-skyrimWhile The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was a pretty popular game back in the day, there were some issues regarding its DLC and availability for the PS3, but you know, if you ever wanted to relive the game with remastered graphics and hopefully working DLCs, you might be in luck because a remastered copy of the game could be announced soon.

According to the latest rumors floating about the internet, word on the street has it that Bethesda could announced a remastered version of Skyrim at E3 2016. Bethesda has already scheduled a press conference for the 12th of June, so we know that they will be announcing something, but what it is remains a mystery.

The rumors also add that the remastered copy of the game will include all of the DLCs, support for mods, and improved graphics, all of which sound pretty good. It is unclear if this remastered copy will be for next-gen consoles, or if it will be PC-only, or if we are looking at a multi-platform release, but we guess we will find out soon enough.

The remaster would also kind of make sense. Last year Bethesda announced that they will not be making any new Elder Scrolls titles for a very long time, so we guess instead of letting the franchise stagnate, a remastered copy of Skyrim with mod support could keep interest in the franchise alive and well until Bethesda is ready for something new.

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