Google has just released the fourth developer preview of Android N – the next major iteration of Android that still remains unnamed – though there appears to be an indication that it could be called Nutella. At first glance it doesn’t appear that many new features have been included in this preview, however, it does bring several new APIs that enable developers to access all of the new features that are part and parcel of Android N.

The first Android N developer preview arrived even before the company properly announced the update at Google I/O 2016. It was a break from tradition. In the past, Google used to announce the new iteration first before releasing developer previews.

At I/O 2016, Google said that it considers Android N to be in beta, meaning that it’s good enough for daily use, and that’s one of the reasons why anyone with a modern Nexus device can install the developer preview and take Android N for a spin.

It’s only a matter of time now before Android N is released to the public. Google may release it at some point in the summer, and before it does that, it’s certainly going to confirm what the dessert moniker of this update is going to be.

We’ll update you once we learn of any major new features being included in developer preview 4 of Android N.

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