Windows 7 On Android Wear Boots, Takes Forever

Windows 7 on Android Wear smartwatch
Now here is something that you definitely do not see happen every single day – that is, having a version of Windows boot up on a foreign platform such as Android. However, that is the case with this Android Wear smartwatch that has been tweaked so that it will be able to boot up Windows 7, now how about that? After all, if Windows 95 has been installed on the Apple Watch, why not up the ante, right?

The thing is, this small touchscreen device that runs on Android Wear is ill-suited to run the full Windows 7 operating system, that is for sure, but theoretically speaking, it can. The thing is, you would need to wait for a whopping 3 hours in order for it to boot up, and that would mean your smartwatch would have to be charged up all the time, leaving it plugged in. Imagine seeing the Aero desktop appear in 280 x 280 resolution, now how about that?

You can be pretty darned sure that this is something that is meant for hobbyists only, while the rest of the world need not have to go through such pains and lengths to get the job done, but rather, simply sit back and view the (rather boring) YouTube video – after all, what do you expect by staring at a screen for 3 hours?

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