Lumia_950_2The current flagship Windows 10 Mobile handsets, the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL, do not sport fingerprint scanners. Instead as a form of biometric security, they will scan your iris to ensure that you are who you say you are. Apparently iris scanning is more accurate than fingerprint, although it definitely isn’t as convenient.

The good news is that in the future, we can look forward to more Windows 10 Mobile handsets sporting fingerprint scanners. This is thanks to a recent presentation Microsoft made in which according to one of the slides, it seems that fingerprint scanner support will be coming to Windows 10 Mobile in an upcoming update, which according to the slide is scheduled for the summer of 2016.

Given that the HP Elite x3 already has a fingerprint sensor built into it, we’re guessing this really shouldn’t come as a surprise. The majority of smartphones these days tend to feature fingerprint scanner support, so it really was just a matter of time before Windows 10 Mobile decided to hop on board the bandwagon as well.

That being said, there aren’t that many Windows 10 Mobile handsets available out there yet, but presumably moving forward future devices will support the tech, which we can only hope will mean that the rumored Surface Phone will too as well.

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