sony-xperia-z3-z3v-review-08It is always nice and an encouraging sign to see how mobile phone manufacturers have a heart to support their devices and products not only in terms of help, but also by making sure that their offerings will come equipped with the latest version of the mobile operating system or software. Sony of Japan is pleased to note that they will introduce a new Xperia Marshmallow beta build that is set to happen some time next week.

If you were to go ahead with the update, then you can be sure that your build number will be bumped to 23.5.A.1.203. In this particular update, it is said to come with up to 400 fixes as well as improvements. Of course, this is certainly quite a lot to digest, and it is a good thing that many things have been fixed and improved, although it does lead to the question as to how come so many things were wrong and inefficient in the first place? Hence, since one does not hear too much about issues with Xperia devices prior, one can only conclude that these are mostly minor fixes and improvements.

We do know that this update will let one transfer all apps on the smartphone to the SD memory card, and among the fixes include the solution to an ‘Unknown call/private number’ bug and Calendar app crashes. Only the Xperia Z2 (D6503), Z3 (D6603) and Z3 Compact (D5803) will be on the receiving end of the update, so do take note of that.

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