google logoIt has been rumored for a while that Android apps and the Google Play Store would be making their way to Chromebooks, but now we officially have proof that the marriage is on the way as evidenced by a Google I/O session description. There’s not a lot of information just yet, but the session is scheduled for tomorrow, so we should know more by then. While it does not mean that the Play Store will arrive on Chrome OS anytime in the near future, it is not a situation that is ruled out, either.

Basically, the session at Google I/O has been best described to be a place where developers are able to learn more concerning the optimization of their Android apps for use on Chrome. Google claims that there will be friendly engineers over there to assist in the optimization of Android apps for Chromebooks, and not only that, to sweeten the deal, the first 50 developers who show up will be on the receiving end of a free Chromebook.

Heck, Google is rich enough to be able to dish out such goodies without causing a dent in their bottom line, so there is no worries about that. We simply cannot wait for Android apps to appear on Chrome, which would make the Chromebook a whole lot less reliant on a constant Internet connection.

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