If you love the direction that Blizzard has been taking when it comes to giving their characters and the game a bit of a backstory, you’ll be pleased to learn that the latest animated short dubbed “Hero” has been released. This animated short will feature the Soldier 76 character which you will be able to play in the game.

Now according to a report from last week, it was speculated that there could be a new hero announced in the video, but unfortunately it does not look like there was. If there is, maybe it will be a separate post but for now we guess gamers who had their hopes up will now have their hopes dashed.

Oddly enough this animated short only seems to feature one character – Soldier 76. So far the previous animated shorts we’ve seen has covered at least two heroes each, like Winston and Reaper, Widowmaker and Tracer, and Hanzo and Genji, so it’s strange that this short only covers Soldier 76.

In any case the short looks amazing, which we expected nothing less from Blizzard. Overwatch will be released on the 24th of May. Launch time and details can be found here. In the meantime if you have a few minutes to spare, you definitely won’t want to miss out on this animated short.

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