Tesla makes cars of the future, cars that require complex software to function, and the company has a very nice habit of including Easter eggs in its software updates. These are just little things that are hidden inside software updates, the latest update features an Easter egg that adds a color show to the charging port. This Easter egg makes the Model S and Model X charging port light up in the colors of the rainbow.

To get the charging port on their Tesla to put on this light show, owners have to press the button on the charging handle ten times in quick succession, the video shows how it must be done so that the light show comes on in the charging port.

Tesla appears to have taken a liking to the rainbow theme recently. An update was released last month which added a “psychedelic cowbell road” to the car’s instrument panel. Model S owners could get it by activating autopilot four times in a row, the cowbell road would then replace the standard grey road on the instrument panel and even played the actual cowbell sound from the infamous Saturday Night Live sketch.

It’s little things like these that make technology fun, and fun is definitely something Tesla wants to associate itself with.

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