Study: Kids These Days Prefer Smartphones To Portable Consoles

nintendo-new-3ds-2014-06Our smartphones are becoming increasingly more powerful with every release, meaning that the kind of games that developers can create for our phones has the potential to be complex and graphically amazing. Could this be the reason why kids these days are preferring mobile devices over portable consoles?

Perhaps. According to a study conducted by market research firm Influence Central, they have found that kids these days are getting phones at much younger age than we did, which in turn reduces their need to own a portable gaming console. If you think about it, it is kind of true. Back in the day, we’d probably only get a phone when we were in our late teens or early 20s.

This meant that as far as portable entertainment is concerned, we’d have to rely on portable consoles or maybe even a book. These days, according to the study, kids get a phone at an average age of 10.3 years old, with 64% of them having access to the internet as well. This has resulted in consoles from companies like Nintendo to have fallen to fourth place in terms of popularity.

This puts them behind other entertainment mediums such as smartphones, tablets, and DVDs as far as trips are concerned. We suppose Nintendo finally deciding to come on board the smartphone gaming bandwagon was a good move on their part.

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