
Google launched the Android N developer preview a couple of months ago, back then the company didn’t confirm what it’s going to call the latest version of its mobile operating system but while many of us expected it to announce a moniker at Google I/O 2016, the company has actually decided to throw the ball in our court. It would like you to suggest names for Android N.

Every major Android release has traditionally had a dessert moniker, like the most recent release Marshmallow and going all the way back to Donut and Eclair. Google is going to keep up with the tradition but it’s going to need your help.

Google has launched a website where you can go and suggest a name for Android N. It’s going to consider the submissions but it’s not under any obligation to select the one that’s suggested the most, so you won’t see a return of Boaty McBoatFace.

The company announced this fun little initiative during its keynote today at the I/O 2016 developers conference. It didn’t really go into detail about the selection process and what the person whose suggestion gets chosen will get, perhaps it will give them a tour of its campus!

So if you’re interested, head over to the website now and #NameAndroidN.

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