There are a variety of apps and services that you can use to quickly capture and work on your ideas, and now two of the most used services have joined forces to provide you with an even better experience. Google Drive and Evernote integration has been announced today and it will enable users to easily drop any file from Google Drive into Evernote notes to add more context to whatever it is they’re working on.

Evernote is a very popular service used by people for capturing ideas, and ideas often require drawings, research, photos and documents, Google Drive is a widely used service for storing that sort of stuff so it makes sense for the two to play nice with each other.

Users won’t just have to make do with pasting links to files, Drive content added to Evernote is now going to feature thumbnail previews as well as a rich previewing experience. It’s even possible to search Drive from Evernote and any changes made to files in Drive will automatically be synced with Evernote notes.  An icon has been added to the Evernote toolbar for quick access to Drive.

“This integration with Google Drive helps people cultivate those ideas with rich context,” said Erik Wrobel, Chief Product Officer at Evernote. The integration is live now and can be used in Evernote on the web and the Android app.

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