Durex Petitions Unicode Consortium For Condom Emoji

Last year during World AIDS Day, Durex launched a campaign in which they suggested that there should be a condom emoji created. We guess the campaign made sense on the day and also to help Durex promote its brand, but it turns out that the company is pretty serious about wanting its own emoji.

The company has since relaunched the campaign by sending an open letter to the Unicode Consortium in hopes that they will consider creating a condom emoji. For those unfamiliar, the Unicode Consortium is a nonprofit group that organizes and approves new entries for the Unicode writing system in which emojis are part of it.

Durex has already designed a condom emoji themselves, so in reality they are just asking for the consortium to approve its design. The consortium is expected to hold a meeting this week at Adobe Systems in San Jose, California where they will presumably be able to decide then if such an emoji will or will not be approved.

Durex’s argument for the emoji to be approved is that it will prompt people to feel empowered about talking openly about protection, which they claim is important to help prevent STIs, HIV, and AIDS. Will they be successful? We guess we’ll know soon, but in the meantime are you on board with the idea of a condom emoji?

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