Pretty much every city in the world has its fair share of traffic problems due to a congestion of vehicles. Of course there are some places in the world that have it worse, such as in Asian countries like Bangkok and China. Now it seems that over in China, the government is considering implementing a new system that will address that.

Dubbed “straddling buses”, these are buses that China plan to introduce to their roads and they will be big enough to accommodate 1,400 people at once. Not only does this mean that more people can get to work on time, but it also takes more people off the roads. Not to mention the design of these buses will also help reduce traffic congestion on the road.

As you can see in the photo above, straddling buses are essentially buses with the middle part hollowed out. What this will allow is for cars to drive “inside” the buses, kind of like driving through a tunnel so that the buses can keep doing what they’re doing, and cars don’t have to worry about trailing behind.

According to the specs of the bus, it is expected to be an all-electric vehicle with a clearance height of 7 feet, which is more than enough for most cars. It will also be able to travel at approximately 40mph. It is possible that come this July or August that these buses could undergo their testing.

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