tom.old.myspace-100022175-origHere’s a question for you guy: how many of you still use MySpace? The social media platform was huge back in the day but safe to say that it isn’t what it used to be, but obviously there are probably many of us who still have accounts with the platform. If you’re the type that has used the same password for the past 10-15 years, then maybe this should be concerning for you.

According to a report from Motherboard, it seems that a hacker has managed to get their hands on 427 million MySpace passwords that he/she then tried to sell off for $2,800. As it turns out, it seems that this hacker was the same hacker behind the recent LinkedIn breach that saw 117 million passwords and emails stolen through the hack.

The report from Motherboard has confirmed that the hack is real and that the passwords are genuine, as they sent the hackers email addresses of three members of staff and some friends who have a MySpace account, and they were able to return the correct passwords. The hackers even compiled a list of passwords that were the most commonly used.

Unsurprisingly it seems that despite various warnings, there are still people who think that they can get away with “password1” or “abc123” or “123456” and so on. In any case if you’d like to play it safe, maybe it’s time you change your MySpace password.

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