samsung3Whenever there is a new device in town, you can be sure that there will be the old hands who will take to it like a duck to water, while a bunch of newbies will wow and fall head over heels with it, and at the same time, might just run into issues in which they have no idea on how to troubleshoot or handle. What if the resident techie in the family is not around, and Google seems to be silent on the matter? Fret not, Samsung knows that such a situation might just happen, which is why they will now let their representatives troubleshoot your Galaxy S7 remotely via the latest Samsung+ app.

With this Samsung+ app’s new feature, all that you need to do is to boot up the feature that is known as “Assist,” where it will then allow Samsung’s representatives to literally take over your handset, and perform the troubleshooting right there and then.

Of course, you will first need to call or contact a rep via video chat thanks to the app’s latest live support feature, prior to providing access. Once that is done and over with, the representative will be able to fiddle with your device, as though he or she is there in the flesh. Right now, Assist will be available on the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, although one can expect that other devices will be on the receiving end as well in the coming weeks via carrier updates. [Press Release]

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