windows-10-for-phones-demoThe city of New York is one of the iconic places on earth, being an Alpha city that comes with free public Wi-Fi, and their police force, better known as the NYPD, has certainly seen its fair bit of action on the silver screen and TV shows to become a well known acronym even on different continents. Well, it looks like Windows Phones have a role to play in the lives of the men (and women) in NYPD’s blue, as 25,000 of the NYPD officers already have a customized Windows Phone handset, while the remaining 11,000 officers will also be on the receiving end of a similar handset in due time this year.

As for the exact Windows Phone-powered model that will see action in the coming weeks, that remains to be revealed. So far, we do know that Microsoft picked up an order for four million Windows 10 Mobile smartphones last week, and these handsets will be sent to the Department of Defense over the course of 2017.

NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Information Technology Jessica Tisch touts that one of the indispensable apps that will be pre-loaded on the mystery handset would be “the universal search app that provides enterprise search of all department databases and certain state and federal databases.” When you take into account the presence of fingerprint sensors on selected models, the identification of suspects while on the beat becomes a whole lot more convenient.

Anyone wants to warrant a guess that it will be a Nokia device?

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