With so many business cards being handed out everyday, it’s easy to have your card lost in a sea of cards, which means that it is important to pay attention to the design of your business card to ensure that it leaves a lasting impression with the person you give it to. Turns out that a company by the name of MobileECG has managed to do just that.

The company, in case their name wasn’t obvious, specializes in heart rate related products, and so to bring attention to their products, they created a business card that actually comes with a working heart rate monitor built into it. However as the card clearly notes, and as the company points out, it’s not really meant to be used as a diagnostic device.

According to them, “To address many people’s concerns: yes, this “electroCARDiograph” (name by ldsnowbored on 9gag) measures the real ECG signal between the users hands. While it is not a diagnostic device, it is good enough to clearly capture the P, Q, R, S and T waves of the ECG signal, as shown in the video.”

In fact the company was also kind enough to post its source code on github along with the schematics, so if you are ever interested in creating your own business card with a similar feature, you will now be able to. In the meantime you can check out the business card in action in the video demonstration above.

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