Google has since reassured users that even if you were to have flashed Android N manually, as opposed to taking part in the beta program, you will still be eligible to receive OTA updates. According to a post on the Android Developers website, “If you decide you want to get OTA updates after manually flashing a device, all you need to do is enroll the device in the Android Beta Program. You can enroll the device at any time to receive the next Preview update over the air.”
Basically registering your device in the beta program will fix that. The result is pretty much the same as if you were to register for the beta and then download the developer preview. So far Android N’s features are slowly being discovered, some of which have proven to be pretty useful and have added convenient features to the phone.
No word on when Android N will be officially released to the public, but Google did state previously that they are aiming for a release in the summer where it will be distributed to Android OEMs, where hopefully it means that work in pushing out the Android N update can begin earlier.
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