20 Million Xbox One Units Have Reportedly Been Sold To Date

xbox-one-hands-on-review-02Right now the battle of consoles is pretty much between the Sony PlayStation 4 and the Microsoft Xbox One, but we expect that the Nintendo NX could end up being a contender for when it launches. That being said, how many units has Microsoft sold so far for the Xbox One? The Redmond company has been pretty quiet on that front as of late, but it has been estimated that those numbers have since crossed the 20 million mark.

These numbers come courtesy of VGChartz and according to them, the console actually crossed the 20 million mark back in February. Do take note that these aren’t official numbers so take them with a grain of salt for now. We have to admit that 20 million in February 2016 does seem to be a bit slow for Microsoft.

The Sony PlayStation 4 actually crossed the 30 million units sold back in November 2015, meaning that by now, those numbers should be a lot higher. This would also indicate that the PS4 is still pulling ahead of the Xbox One. Additional information released by VGChartz includes some of the best selling games on the platform, which turned out to be Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Advanced Warfare came in second, followed by Grand Theft Auto V, Halo 5: Guardians, and Fallout 4.

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