volvo-keylessKeyless entries into cars is not something new, as it has been around for a fair number of years already. In fact, hotel rooms too, are catching on the trend, although one should bear in mind that researchers have stepped forward to say that they can easily hack keyless car entry systems. Hopefully Volvo knows what they are doing with an announcement that they intend to be the first automaker in the world to do away with physical keys and/or a remote key fob, citing 2017 as the earliest date on which that is set to happen. What then, will be used to replace keys? One will be able to gain entry into their rides through a smartphone app and Bluetooth wireless technology, which also enables one to open the trunk and start the car remotely to boot.

Not the most novel of ideas for sure, as it has been used by other automakers as a secondary method of accessing one’s ride. Volvo claims that it will not stop offering a physical key fob to customers who want one, but would prefer everyone to go keyless. Would you personally want to drive a keyless car, or do you feel that it is better to carry a fob around with you, just in case? What happens when your smartphone runs out of battery? Are there alternative ways to start your car then, and what should you do if your handset gets stolen? Hopefully Volvo has the right answers to those questions.

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