drone-empireWhat a way to end the week – a man flew his drone into Empire State Building, and was duly arrested afterwards. I suppose it would be incidents like these that has led the FAA to make it mandatory for all drone owners to register their drones with the body, as those who are irresponsible drone operators tend to get themselves into trouble, and if not careful, might actually cause the loss of lives or serious injury when it crashes into a commercial airline or a person.

Interestingly enough, said person still had time to tweet: “filming w/drone, now its stuck.” The drone was used to snap photos of the beautiful Manhattan skyline, when it crashed into the iconic building where the fictional King Kong made his perch once. Seeing that his drone was stuck, he decided to enlist the help of the building’s security, but they called the police instead.

The men in blue then arrested 27-year-old Sean Riddle not too long afterwards before 8:00pm. The charges that Riddle face are reckless endangerment, misdemeanor criminal mischief, and illegally navigating an aircraft over the city. We have no idea as to whether Riddle’s drone was retrieved or not, but this serves as a reminder that Super Bowl is a No Drone Zone, and the FAA won’t have second thoughts about shooting down any trespassing drones. We do wonder, however, if Riddle did insure his drone or not for situations such as these.

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