Google has recently announced that they will soon start to give gamers the ability to select custom names of their own in the form of Gamer ID. This will be applied to Google Play Games and users will also be able to choose a Gamer Picture to identify themselves with. According to Google, “Over the next few weeks we’re rolling out Gamer IDs to Google Play Games. Gamer IDs give you the ability to create a gaming persona, so you too can embrace your inner gaming hero.”
In order to reserve your name or get your own Gamer ID, you will need to sign into a Play Games session in which you will then be prompted to pick an ID. If you don’t see it available yet, as Google has pointed out, the feature will be rolling out in the next few weeks so perhaps it hasn’t made its way to you yet.
In addition to being able to choose a custom ID, Google says that they are giving users the ability to automatically sign into games, making the process a lot faster than it used to be. “With auto sign-in, you’ll be prompted to sign-in once per account, rather than once per game, and you’ll automatically be signed in to most future games.”
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