This allows you and the person you’re chatting with to participate in a game of chess. So how does this work? To kick it off, type in @fbchess play and a chess board will appear. Your friend will get to make the move first. This game is completely typed so don’t expect to be able to click your way around.
The pieces are represented by alphabets, with P for Pawn, K for King, Q for Queen, B for Bishop, R for Rook, and N for Knight. To move the pieces across the board, type the location on the board that you want the pieces to move to. For example @fbchess Pd4 which will move the Pawn to location D4 on the board.
It might be a bit confusing at first, but we reckon you will get used to it. For those unfamiliar with the rules, like which piece can move to where, and how many spaces, you can find the rules here. Granted there are probably easier-operated chess games out there, but if you’d rather not launch a separate window, this is a good alternative. Also if you want a larger screen, just head on over to