Apart from that, what is great visuals without audio, right? The audio quality of the TCL X1 4K Ultra HD TV also pumped out great quality music, where the introductory riff to the Eagles’ Hotel California was played, and it certainly sounded as though it hailed from a high end speaker set – where in reality, it was the doing of the X1 TV’s audio system itself without any help from external speakers. Truly, this is another leap in the right direction, although the triple-circular design on each side of the X1 does make it look slightly “cheap” on the outside.
TCL and Dolby are also working alongside major streaming service providers, including VUDU, so that one can gain direct access to the latest HDR premium content from leading studios. It will run on the new TV+OS 3.0 to make it jump aboard the “smart TV” category. Expect the new TCL X1 series with Dolby Vision to arrive Stateside some time in the second half of the year. Before leaving the stage, the presenter did mention that there might be a Swarovski-laden model some time down the road, so keep your fingers crossed if you’re up for some bling in your living room.