Star Wars: The Force Awakens In 60 Seconds

Speedrun: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens (s02ep01)
Spoiler Alert: If you have not watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens yet, then it would be best to avoid viewing the video above. Alternatively, if you can’t be bothered to help contribute to the latest Star Wars movie’s blockbuster and record breaking exploits (including surpassing the $1 billion mark in a matter of 12 days), then go ahead and see how the talented animators at 1A4 Studio actually summarized what happened in the movie into 60 short seconds.

If you have already watched the movie, and would like to relive it in a concise manner, then surely the animated short above is a joy to watch. It is cute, and it gets the message across, although for sure there will be not much emotional attachment to any of the characters since everything moves too fast to register in the brain. You will more or less “get it” if you have seen the movie at least once, otherwise, it is still a nice work of art.

Since it is a speedrun movie, all of the voices are also high pitched as they squeak, adding to the cartoonish appeal. I suppose what 1A4 Studio has done is somewhat the equivalent of being a movie “Twitter” of sorts, condensing everything into the proverbial 140-character limit.

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