520-floating-bridgeIt is always nice to see our tax dollars being put to good use, and the upcoming 520 Bridge which is tipped to open itself up to the masses this April will see the likes of walkers and bicyclists get first dibs in trying it out before vehicles can. Open to traffic this spring, there will be westbound lanes that are said to open on April 11, while eastbound lanes would have a tentative scheduled date of April 25, at least according to state officials. Do expect to read more of the 520 Bridge’s specifications in detail right after the jump.

The 520 Bridge happens to be the longest floating bridge not only in North America, but the world as well, measuring a whopping 7,710 feet across. This would make it surpass the old Highway 520 floating bridge that was constructed in 1963 by 132 feet, making its predecessor’s feat all the more impressive when you think about it.

As for the time gap between the westbound and eastbound lanes’ opening, this is attributed to the weekend work involved in moving barriers as well as to finish up other tie-ins that are between the floating lanes into the old 1963 bridge, which will then see it continue to ensure traffic flows from the Foster Island area to Seattle.

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