internet-explorerFor the longest time ever, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser has been the butt of many a joke, although to Microsoft’s credit, things have improved greatly with each version, but we suppose the stigma is something hard to get rid of. So much so that with Windows 10, Microsoft ditched Internet Explorer in favor of Edge, their new browser, which according to reviews is actually pretty good.

That being said for those of you out there who are still using Internet Explorer, you might want to consider upgrading because Microsoft has announced that they will be ending support for older builds of Internet Explorer next Tuesday, the 12th of January. This will apply to Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10.

This means that if you’re still using Internet Explorer 11, you’re still good to go. However this does not mean that the browser will stop working complete. Instead, according to Microsoft, “After January 12, 2016, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or technical support for older versions of Internet Explorer.”

So if there are any security issues like vulnerabilities, Microsoft will no longer be patching these older versions of Internet Explorer, so if you insist on using the older builds, you’ll be leaving yourself at risk. So like we said, maybe it’s time to update to Internet Explorer 11 if you haven’t already, or consider giving Edge a chance.

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