Igloo Built During Blizzard Listed On Airbnb

igloo-airbnbTalk about grasping at an opportunity during a time of crisis – three guys decided to make the most of the recent blizzard and ended up with a rather hilarious joke that gave them their 15 minutes of fame at the same time. We are talking about a listing for an igloo over on Airbnb, which was constructed by Patrick Horton, Griff Jones and Justin Seeley. In the Airbnb listing (which has since been taken down), it was described as “Built completely by hand all natural. Come experience this chic dome-style bungalow with Bae.”

Taking advantage of Winter Storm Jonas that saw 27.9 inches of snow cover New York City, the trio decided to spend three hours to pile up snow before taking another three hours to hollow out the igloo. When the structure was complete, they went ahead to throw in much needed items for a comfortable stay – including blankets, lights and pillows which were all covered in plastic to keep them dry. To add a touch of home, a potted plant was also placed at the front entrance.

Listing it on Airbnb as a hoax, it carried descriptions that made good fun of Brooklyn and hipster stereotypes. The post read, “Dripping with ingenuity and alt-lifestyle aura, lays this Snowpocalypse’s most desirable getaway.” Five people actually made an inquiry into the igloo before the listing was deleted by Airbnb a few hours after it was posted, citing the failure of the igloo to meet Airbnb’s occupancy standards.

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