If you used to chat on platforms like IRC back in the day, chances are you might be very familiar with ASCII art. For those who aren’t familiar, ASCII art is basically where characters and symbols are put together in creative ways to form pictures (you can check out some examples here).
Granted they are no longer as popular these days compared to back then, but they still have their place, especially amongst the more geekier of us. That being said, it seems that it has been recently discovered that there is an Easter Egg for Facebook and Instagram that can take your existing photo, or any other photo stored on Facebook or Instagram, and turn it into ASCII art.
First spotted by Mathias Bynens on Twitter, it has since been confirmed by Mashable. Basically all you need to do is open the image in your browser (right click and choose “open image in new tab”), and at the end where you see a “.jpg” extension, add a “.html” or “.txt” and you will see the changes.
However note that the image needs to be a publicly available image, meaning that if after the “.jpg” extension you see a bunch of other characters, then it will not work. This will work on both Instagram and Facebook images, so if you’re looking for a bit of fun, do try it out for yourselves.
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