heavy_ammo_destinyIf you feel like microtransactions inside games that you’ve already bought and paid full price for feels like a rip-off, you’re probably not alone. However that’s the name of the game and at the moment, that’s how developers and publishers make a ton of money. Ask the folks at King’s if you need more proof.

So far there have been several games that have managed to function perfectly fine without microtransactions, but that could soon change for Destiny players. According to a report from VG247, they have heard from a source that Bungie could be getting ready to start selling ammo packs within the game for real-life money. Update: an Activision representative contacted Ubergizmo to point our that the company denied the rumor by saying “we’re not doing that”.

This isn’t the first time this rumor has surfaced, but the fact that it has come up again certainly does not bode well for gamers. Right now the game does have microtransactions where players can pay real money for Silver, the game’s in-game currency. However Silver is used to buy more social items, meaning that they don’t really have an impact on the game.

By making ammo packs purchasable with real money, that would significantly change the way the game is played, and could be seen as some as a “pay to win” model. That being said, Bungie has yet to confirm the rumors so do take it with a grain of salt for now, but in the meantime Destiny players, what do you guys think of this?

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