A couple of weeks ago, we reported that there was a rather fun feature of Siri in which if you asked Siri to beatbox, it would do so (even if it was very elementary). Now it seems that it has been discovered that if you were to ask Siri certain questions, her response would be rhythmic enough where you could actually beatbox along with her, as discovered by various YouTube videos online.
Basically the simple question to ask Siri would be what is 1 trillion to the tenth power, in which her answer would contain a lot of zeroes, enough zeroes to the point where it becomes long and rhythmic enough to make beats over. Some have even sung over the beats, resulting in some pretty cool tunes!
We’re pretty sure this wasn’t what Apple had intended, but hey, it is still pretty awesome all the same. Now if you have some time to spare, do check out the videos above and below for some amazing examples of what you can do with Siri playing the rhythm section in your one (or 3 person) band. With Apple improving Siri by adding more functions and features over time, we expect that we will eventually stumble across newer and cooler Easter Eggs in the future.